

• Pregnant/nursing
• Viral Infections
• Epilepsy
• Diabetic (doctor clearance required)
• Organ transplant

The following individuals are not recommended for permanent cosmetics:

** Before booking permanent makeup, please read and confirm you are a candidate for the service. **

• Botox within the last two weeks
• Accutane in the last year
• Pacemaker or heart problems
• Any treatment or medication that compromise wound healing

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before your appointment

Permanent Brow Tattoo | $299

Powder brows, also known as ombre brows is a permanent makeup technique with a two tone effect, achieved with a stronger deeper color in the tail with a softer, lighter color in the front of the brow. The intensity and saturation of the color is buildable, meaning we can create them to be very subtle & natural or very defined & bold, depending on your preference. A great look for clients who have had permanent eyebrow procedures in the past and clients who want more depth and shape in their brows. Prior to the start of the service, we will discuss your brow goals and map the perfect brow using key measurements. The service does not start until you approve the brow shape.

Microblading + Powder Brows

after care

• No alcohol, aspirin, or ibuprofen within 72 prior to your appointment
• Avoid caffeine, coffee and exercise the day of your appointment
• Wash your hair prior to the appointment; only baths are recommended afterwards. 

• No exercise for two weeks
• No sun exposure or tanning for two weeks
• No makeup, lotion, soap or water directly on brows for two weeks
• Sleep propped up or elevated for two weeks
• No regular showers or swimming for two weeks



Upper lid


lower lid


upper & lower lid


before your appointment

• False lashes must be removed at least 3 days prior to your appointment & not replaced for 6 weeks
• If using a lash enhancement, stop 4 weeks prior to your appointment
• Do not wear contact lenses on the day of appointment
• Avoid alcohol & blood thinning medications 24 hours prior to your appointment

before your appointment

Lip Blushing | $550 Lip Neutralization | $450

Lip Blushing | $299
Lip Neutralization | $200

Lip Blushing + Neutralization

after care

• Avoid alcohol & blood thinning medications 24 hours prior to your appointment
• Avoid caffeine, coffee and exercise the day of your appointment
• Avoid eating overly salty foods and sun exposure for ideal lip health

• Lip swelling 24-48 hours after is normal
• Drink all liquids with straw and avoid overly
salty foods
• No kissing on or near the mouth for 7 days to avoid viral infections
• Peeling phases occur for 7-10 days, avoid picking.


How long does it last?

Depends on your health & activity level but generally lasts 3-5 years.

What is lip neutralization?

 Lip Neutralization is a semi-permanent cosmetic treatment that gradually lightens and brightens melanin rich lips. Lip Neutralization is a ideal treatment for clients who have brown, blue, or purple hues in their lips. provides a soft, sheer, custom color to the lips by implanting pigments into the lip skin with a permanent makeup machine.

If I have fillers can I get lip blush?

Yes, having fillers does not affect your lip blush. You must have had fillers a minimum of 4 weeks before or wait until 4 weeks after your lip blush.

Can I get lip blush if I have a Coldsore?

No. If you have an active coldsore we will not be able to provide lip blush services. If you normally get cold sores it's recommended to get an antiviral medication prescribed before your appointment to avoid any issues.

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